ABOUT THE FUNDRAISER The most selfless and most rewarding part of the mission of our BYU-Hawaii Alumni Association is to raise the needed funds and to provide essential support to the institution we dearly love. For most of them, scholarships, established through donations, are the only way that can open the door to their dreams. The importance of a college education has become quite evident in terms of earning potential within today's economy.
We call on all alumni and friends of CCH and BYU-Hawaii from the past fifty years to step forward and contribute, through supporting this and other fundraisers, making it possible for future generations of students to experience the eduation that is BYU-Hawaii.
"We drink from wells we did not dig. We have been warmed by fires we did not build." Let us now, replenish the water of the wells dug by our pioneers and rekindle the fires built by those who came before us. The profits of the ALOHA RUN on August 29th, 2009, in Mapleton, Utah, will go towards scholarships for academically qualified international students in financial need, who desire to attend BYU-Hawaii. By donating to the ALOHA RUN FUNDRAISER, you are contributing to the blessings of education and to the fulfilment of dreams. Mahalo nui loa!
The 'Aloha Run' organizing committee of the BYU-Hawaii Alumni Association Utah Central Chapter. |